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Behavioral Therapy

Feltz Therapy Services provides high quality, individualized ABA therapy services to children with autism spectrum disorder, related disabilities and behavioral needs.

Every child deserves the opportunity to reach his or her highest potential and every family deserves respect and support throughout their journey.


If your child was recently diagnosed with autism, you may be wondering what to do next. There is no doubt you have spent countless hours googling “autism therapy” in hopes of finding the best options to help your little one. Hundreds, if not thousands of websites may lead you in different directions and it’s hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. Finally, you start to read about evidence-based therapy and know you are on the right track. ABA therapy is, no doubt, listed at the top of those treatment options supported by decades of research.


So, what is ABA therapy?


Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is recognized by the Academy of Pediatrics and Surgeon General as the most effective treatment available for individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis. Developed from the science of learning, ABA programs are individualized and target the development of a wide range of skills, focusing on improving the lives of individuals and their families in meaningful ways.


With more information may come more questions, such as: What are the components of ABA therapy? In what ways can it help my child? Who are the therapists that provide ABA services?  What does therapy look like? As we discuss ABA further, it will help to break down the name.


Click HERE to see a list of conditions we treat.


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