Speech-Language Therapy
Speech therapy centers on children who have delays in reading, receptive language, expressive language, articulation, fluency and social skills. The speech-language pathologist (SLP) help children develop essential communication skills enabling them to successfully interact with others in their environment. Other aspects of therapy might include alternative and augmentative communication (AAC), oral motor abilities, swallowing and feeding skills.
Speech and language therapy includes the following areas:
Language Therapy: Language therapy addresses children who struggle with expressing themselves and/or understanding others. The speech therapist teaches children how to develop their communication skills through verbal language, eye contact, and gestures.
Articulation: Articulation concentrates on the intelligibility of speech. The speech therapist uses activities that help children increase coordination in their tongue and jaw muscles to improve their speech sounds. Oral control improves their ability to pronounce words making children easier to understand.
Reading: Reading therapy emphasizes phonological awareness, sound/symbol relationships, word patterns, sight words, reading accuracy, reading fluency and reading comprehension.
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